Amatechnica 2022
Were you at the last Amatechnica back in May 2019? If so, we hope that you enjoyed the exciting mix of quality seminars, technical presentations from leading industry experts, the in-field machinery demonstrations as well as seeing an impressive line-up of new kit as well.
Here you can see the day as it unfolded last time round.
However, fast forward to 2022 and we are going to do it all over again, so please save the date for Amatechnica 2022 at Orchard Farm on May 25th 2022.
This time round there will be a bigger emphasis on kit working with a eye on reduced soil movement tillage and drilling, we will be establishing a maize crop on the day with the new PRECEA precision air seeder as well as putting the new big UX 8601 Super through it paces in the tramlines. Plus, as always, we will have a great line-up of speakers and industry experts to guide you through the current arable farming maze.
This year, it is open-house from 12.00 pm with an continuous programme of events meaning you can dip in and out of the seminars, catch up with the experts, look at the kit working in the field whenever you wish. You can then grab a cuppa at the same time and meet up with like-minded farmers and growers. Depending on how long you want to stay, the event will carry on into the evening on a more social basis.