End of Season Groundcare demo equipment offer

The exciting range of Amazone Groundcare equipment, from tractor-mounted or self-propelled flail mower collectors, landscape renovation combinations for seeding, reseeding or overseeding through to the flexible salt spreaders, in either trailed or mounted models, with hopper capacities from 150 litres through to 8200 litres, has been proven time and time again that it is an asset for any business from caravan parks to golf courses, private gardens or public authorities.

In order to get the best value for money when investing in a piece of equipment then why not consider purchasing an ex-demo machine? With this grass season coming to an end, then Amazone Groundcare has on offer the following pieces of used equipment:

2016 GH/LT 1500 SmartCut semi-mounted mower collector
2016 GHS 1800 Jumbo SmartCut semi-mounted mower collector
2015 GHS 1800 Drive SmartCut trailed mower collector
2016 GHS 1800 Drive SmartCut trailed mower collector
2016 GHS 1500 Drive SmartCut trailed mower collector
2015 GHS 1800 Drive SmartCut trailed mower collector
2013 GH 180 HorseHopper mounted paddock maintenance collector
2011 GHS 180 Jumbo semi-mounted mower collector

2011 REG 1.5m hard court rejuvenator
2015 GBK 1.5m grass overseeder

2012 E+S 750 salt spreader with AMADOSE+S electronic speed-related control
2015 E+S 750 salt spreader with hyd. shut-off

2015 Profihopper 4WDi SmartCut self-propelled mower collector

All the above come with 0% finance* and warranty as well as additional demonstration discount; so contact us or talk to your local Amazone Groundcare dealer for more information.

*see website for terms and conditions