AMAZONE seed drills - an extraordinary story of success

AMAZONE seed drills - an extraordinary story of success

The origins of the seed drill go back to 1949. At that time, Dipl. Eng. Heinrich Dreyer, the son of the company founder, together with Mr Kademann, developed the first D1 seed drill with a working width of 2 m, which was equipped with the innovative Elite seed wheel for fine and normal sowing. This seed drill revolutionised the drilling of multiple seed types because, unlike the seed drills of that time, the D1 did not require the seed wheels to be constantly changed.

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From 1949 to today - the first practical use of the prototype AMAZONE D1 seed drill with Dipl.-Eng. Heinrich Dreyer (far left) ...


... up to the new flagship of the AMAZONE seed drill family, the Cirrus Grand with a working width of 9 m

1966 saw an active seed drill combination launched onto the market for the first time ever in the form of the legendary D4 seed drill combined with a RE reciprocating harrow. The D4 was so popular that, just four years later, AMAZONE was producing around 4,000 units a year, making it by far the market leader in Germany. Initially, the D4 was only offered as a 3 m version, but later on in working widths from 2.5 m to 4 m - and even up to 8 m with a coupling frame. Its successor model, the D7, introduced in 1972, became one of the world's best-selling seed drills.

When the RPD DrillStar tyre-packer sowing combination was launched in 1988, AMAZONE offered the first tyre packer roller as an alternative to either a cage roller or tooth packer roller. The tyre packer roller offered targeted reconsolidation just to the seed row, which was further optimised with the invention of the wedge ring roller in 1998.

AMAZONE RE-D4 combination

AMAZONE tyre packer with strip-wise reconsolidation

From the drawing board and slide rule to the screen and software
Then as now, the goal of the AMAZONE designers has remained the same: Developing and realising innovative ideas that enable customers to work ever more precisely, flexibly and effectively.

The latest development in conventional , gravity seed drill combinations is the Cataya, which features a precise metering system, electric drive of the seed shaft and a central settings centre for quick adjustment and calibration of the metering system.

In addition to the range of conventional seed drills, pneumatic drills were added to the product range in 1995. The foundation was laid with a pneumatic front packer seed hopper in combination with a rotary cultivator and a tyre packer seed rail. An up-to-date version of the Airstar Avant seed drill combination with mounted front hopper is still available today in working widths up to 6 m. This was followed by continual developments, such as the renowned Airstar AD-P pneumatic harrow-mounted seed drill, and further optimisations which have lead to today's Centaya. The Centaya has an electrically driven seed metering unit and can be equipped either with TwinTeC double disc coulters or the RoTeC pro single disc coulter as an option.

To meet the demand for higher output seed drill combinations in conjunction with passive soil tillage implements, the Cirrus pneumatic large-area seed drill, which features passive soil working tools and comes in working widths of 3 m to 6 m, was introduced in 2001. The flagship of this product range is the recently launched Cirrus Grand with its impressive 9 m working width.

AMAZONE chisel opener for direct, mulch and conventional sowing

Dr. Heinz Dreyer managed to achieve another milestone with the introduction of the NT direct seed drill and its successor, the Primera DMC for direct seeding, mulch sowing and conventional seeding in the large-area seeding technology segment. The invention of the chisel opener made it possible from then on to carry out direct seeding on unworked soils. In addition to the Primera DMC, the range of tine drills has been extended in the last decade by the introduction of the Cayena and Condor seed drills. Due to their special sowing coulters, and large working widths of up to 15 m, both seed drills can be used to achieve high outputs on an extremely wide variety of soils.

This product portfolio allows AMAZONE to offer its customers a wide variety of seed drills and sowing methods in working widths ranging from 2.5 m to 15 m.

Quote from Dr. Heinz Dreyer (1932 – 2023)

Our French representative arrived and said we had to build a new seed drill, something completely new. So I went back to my drawing board and developed various seed drills - until he said, "That's it. That’s what we made. That was the D4 - the legendary D4. We then went from a few hundred to a few thousand per year within a short period of time and became the market leader.

 It is probably every designer's dream to develop a machine that is so good that the entire competition feels compelled to copy it over the years.

From the drawing board and slide rule to the screen and software

Then as now, the goal of the AMAZONE designers has remained the same: Developing and realising innovative ideas that enable customers to work ever more precisely, flexibly and effectively.

Design sketch by Dr Heinz Dreyer for the D4 seed drill with its "horse’s head".


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AMAZONE offers the perfect seed drill combination for any farm – and everything from a single source.

Our extensive product range includes seed drill combinations in working widths from 2.5 m to 6 m and which meet the most diverse requirements. No matter whether you sow conventionally or pneumatically, you can choose from a rotary harrow, rotary cultivator...



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