
Three hoppers, many ideas

Sowing a main and companion crop at the same time is not a new idea but developments can make the job easier. With a bit of imagination, the technique can now be exploited to allow different varieties of the same crop, as well as other seeds, to be sown together to save on pesticides and fertiliser plus reduce moisture losses. Here we take a look at an innovative approach to a varied drilling system.

Driving impression: "All you need"

Five years ago Amazone introduced the first drill that had double-disc coulters. Now the company presents an entry-level version of these coulters for their Cataya Special mechanical drill. We put a pre-production unit through its paces.

Amazone Precea 3000-A Super - Sonderdruck agrarheute 2022

Precea is the new precision drill from Amazonewhich can also be mounted on the company’s new KE 3002 power harrow. A new addition to the combination is the new Nautilus 930 front press which allows growers to plant maize into ploughed soil in one operation.

Amazone Precea 6000-2CC maize drill: On course for more width

In preparation of phasing out its existing precision drills in the short and long term, Amazone is adding new models to its Precea family. Here is the low down on the latest 6m model and how it performed in the DLG tests.

Precea - A logical combination

Precea 3000 ACC Super is a precision drill that was developed for mounting on the company’s 3m rotary cultivators thereby extending Amazone’s range of mounted mechanical and pneumatic drills. We tried the combination in the field drilling a crop of maize.

Amazone Avant 6002-2 power harrow drill: Advance the Avant

Amazone is well versed in the front hopper/rear folding power harrow drill set-up with its long-serving Avant. The new 6.0 m machine gains a pressurised front hopper and several more updates, bringing it in line with the firm’s other drill options.

DLG Test Report 7104: Sowing unit Amazone PreTeC

The tested Amazone PreTeC sowing unit was mount- ed to a 6-row Amazone Precea 4500-2CC Super precision drill. The seed singling unit is available as with an electric or mechanical drive system.

DLG Test Report 7093: Amazone Precea 4500-2CC Super

The machine that came to the test was the 6-row Precea 4500-2CC Super precision drill with Precis fertiliser metering system from Amazone. According to the manufacturer, the machine is suitable for drilling into ploughed, min-til and no-till soils.

Practical Test: Amazone Centaya 3000 Super power harrow drill

Near perfect planting - While there is lots of talk of low-disturbance drilling, the long-serving power harrow drill is still the tool of choice for getting many arable crops in the ground. Focus for our practical test is the Amazon KG harrow and Centaya pneumatic drill combo, which impressed with its precise performance.

Sowing unit Amazone PreTeC – Working quality in maize

The tested Amazone PreTeC sowing unit was mounted to a 6-row Amazone Precea 4500-2CC Super precision drill. The seed singling unit is available as with an electric or mechanical driven system.

Two ways of doing things right

This year, the ZG-TS 10001 ProfisPro spent its second season spreading for the co-op which is based near Leipzig. Their machinery department is headed by Gunter Zeutschel who opted for this version, because it ties up fewer staff than the two Amazone ZA-M Profis spreaders which it replaces.