AW Cambridge roll

The AW Cambridge rolls by AMAZONE are universal machines to provide perfect soil contact, for example during seedbed preparation or when rolling fields of grain damaged by frost. The Cambridge rolls are available with Cambridge rings in two working widths from 12.2 m and 15.4 m.

Your benefits at a glance

Crumbling of the soil surface over the entire area and the reconsolidation of the sowing horizon improve the water supply in the germination area. This results in optimum seed emergence and reliable crop development. The emergence of volunteer grain and weed seeds after stubble cultivation can also be considerably improved by rolling.

At the same time, slugs and snails are effectively controlled via the reduction of hollow spaces in the soil. The soil contact of cereal crops forced up by the frost can be restored by rolling in the spring. Possible winter kill damage caused by black frost is thereby reduced. AMAZONE Cambridge rolls are available with Cambridge rings in working widths of 12.2 m and 15.4 m. The individual roller segments with their freely moving intermediate rings are mounted separately from each other, in order to ensure outstanding self-cleaning and contour adaptation over the full working width. The resulting high possible working speeds provide enormous efficiency and low operating costs. The AW Cambridge rolls are universally usable implements for professional arable farms from stubble cultivation and seedbed preparation to rolling over-wintered cereal crops.

  • AW 12200, 12.2 meters working width 
  • AW 15400, 15.4 meters working width

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AMAZONE 12200 trailed cambridge land rolls

Output calculator

The Amazone Output Calculator produces a farm-related, economic calculation of a machine’s potential output prior to making an investment decision.

International sales network

Outside of Germany and Austria, you can get AMAZONE agricultural and municipal machinery as well as technical support from specialized importers.

Related links

Here you will find further information on cultivation

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