Utilising the right technique is crucial!

It is not just the philosophy but the right choice of soil tillage method that is critical to success. Conventional sowing systems that are based on the use of the plough are still widespread. As a result of this and due to ever-changing parameters such as commodity prices, energy production, reduction of fallow vegetation, etc., many farms practice both conventional and mulch sowing methods in parallel. The yield-guaranteeing function of the plough is highly valued here.

Advantages of conventional soil tillage:

  • Effective weed control via mechanical means by light deprivation, effective control around field borders
  • Quicker soil warming and better soil aeration for increased yields in crops demanding higher soil temperatures
  • The only soil tillage option in constantly wet conditions
  • Reduced risk of disease carryover to the following crop
  • Accelerates the microbial activity in the soil by oxygen enrichment
  • Mechanical control of UV light sensitive soil pests, slugs and mice

Related links

Here you will find further information on cultivation

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