Let there be light – Multiple benefit of the work lights

Spread fan, spreading unit and hopper internal lighting

An optional work light kit is available as a supplement to the standard LED lighting for the ZA-TS mounted spreader.

LED work lights are mounted in the hopper above the spreading discs and at the sides of the spreader. This ensures that the user has an overview of the fill level in the hopper at night, and has adequate lighting for changing the spreading discs and for setting the telescopic blades on the spreading vanes.

The work lights are fully integrated in the software of the fertiliser spreader and can therefore be operated remotely from the tractor cab via the ISOBUS terminal.

The two side-mounted LED work lights provide perfect illumination of the spread fan to the left and right in the dark.

Lighting for the inside of the hopper
The lighting for spreading unit is integrated securely in the lighting carrier.

Filling aid

The preset capacity is achieved when the work lights comes on continuously.

Practical users will particularly love the filling aid provided by the work lights and the Profis weighing system. Initial flashing followed by the constant lighting up of the work lights signals that the fill level has been reached. A second person, or the frequent dismounting for checking, are no longer necessary.

Spread pattern simulator

The spread pattern simulator gives an intuitive introduction to how a fertiliser spreader works. Optimal settings for a variety of combinations of fertilisers and working widths can be clearly displayed and the influence that wind and fertiliser quality have also shown. Try it for yourself…

Precision in mineral fertiliser application

Amazone offers ever more efficient and precise machines and processes, so that the agricultural sector can retain its competitiveness and future viability and operate more sustainably at the same time.

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SmartLearning - EasyCheck

Precise spreading made easy – a digital, mobile test kit for the easy optimisation of the lateral distribution. Instead of using the test trays, as with the normal mobile test kit, the EasyCheck system consists of just 16 lightweight rubber mats and the EasyCheck App for smartphones.