AMAZONE Unimog ZG-TS 7501 Truck

The ZG-TS and ZG-B trailed spreaders are the ideal solution for contractors and farms which have to travel large distances between field and yard. By utilising the ZG-TS and the ZG-B on a carrying vehicle even large transport distances can be managed, significantly quicker and with less fuel consumption. In addition, the spreaders on carrying vehicles can be used with larger ground clearances and track widths so that the range of application is increased. As with the standard ZG-TS, truck mounted spreaders are delivered with the ProfisPro on-line weighing system, it sets new standards in this area of application.

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Spread pattern simulator

The spread pattern simulator gives an intuitive introduction to how a fertiliser spreader works. Optimal settings for a variety of combinations of fertilisers and working widths can be clearly displayed and the influence that wind and fertiliser quality have also shown. Try it for yourself…