Bruce Christie
From combination to Cirrus for ultimate versatilit
Long time Amazone combination drill user, Bruce Christie, manages Burghill Farms in Brechin, Scotland which covers around 600 hectares of combinable crops plus 100 Aberdeen Angus beef cows and some overwintered sheep.
Last year, Mr. Christie decided it is time to put the AMAZONE drill combination to bed and invested in a Cirrus 4003-2CC. Mr. Christie comments “As our soils are generally fairly light, we didn’t really need the intensity of a power harrow all the time, so we made the change to a passive drilling system negating the need to constantly replace power harrow tines and thus saving us a bit of money as well as increasing our versatility”. By going down the route of a Cirrus-CC, equipped with the additional FerTeC coulter for double-shoot sowing, the Cirrus drill that Burghill purchased certainly suits Scottish farming. With a shorter growing season in Scotland due to its latitude north, they always need to apply fertiliser when drilling especially high rates of NPK in the spring, “Depending on the crop, this could be single-shoot, double-shoot, or sometimes a split between the two which gives the plant a controlled intake of nutrient as the root structure develops into the various fertiliser zones”.
Equipped with the GreenDrill 501, Bruce Christie goes on to say “The GreenDrill has revolutionised what we've been able to do in terms of greening and sowing turnips for the sheep, as well as being ideal for sowing headlands with wildflower and nectar bearing plants after carrots”
Of course. it is good to know that, even when deciding to move away from an AMAZONE drill combination, farmers like Mr. Christie still stay with the brand that they trust.