10 Nov 2015
Call for the “Innovation Award 2015”
This year the Amazone Foundation again will award two outstanding scientific degree thesis the "Innovation Award 2015" and attractive monetary prizes. Those young scientists can apply for whose bachelor or master thesis have a relation to agriculture. In addition the dissertation should deal with innovative themes in the range of system- or machine technology, the production of agricultural machinery or their sale and service.
The evaluation of the submitted thesis and the selection of the award winners will be carried out by an expert jury. The jury will pay particular attention to what importance the themes have for the current challenges of agriculture, si-multaneously, however, also include in their evaluation own approaches, crea-tivity, visions and the feasibility and practical relevance. The best bachelor thesis will then be awarded 2,000 Euros and the best master thesis 3,000 Euros..
The official presentation of the Innovation Award will be held at the exhibition for agricultural technology, Agritechnica 2015 in Hanover in the presence of the chairman of the board of the foundation Carl-Albrecht Bartmer, president of the German Agricultural Society (DLG) and the management of the Ama-zonen-Werke, when the prize winners and their thesis are introduced.
The relevant thesis must be sent in both digital format (CD/DVD/USB stick) and also in a printed version before 14th October, 2015 in English or German language to the following address: Amazone Foundation, Andrea Trimpe, Am Amazonenwerk 9-13, D-49205 Hasbergen. For further information on the par-ticipation, please see in the internet under Aktuelle Neuheiten und Innovationen
Since 2009 the Innovation Award is announced by the Amazone Foundation in a two year rhythm. The purpose of the Amazone Foundation, which was founded in 2008 on the occasion of the company jubilee "125 years Amazone", is the promotion of science, research and teaching and the training and further education at the ranges of agriculture and agricultural technology.