18 Jan 2016

Amazonen-Werke investieren in die Fertigung der Eurotechnika AG.

Der Gouverneur des Gebiets Samara, Nikolay Merkuschkin, beim Einmauern der Zeitkapsel in den Grundstein für die neue Fertigungshalle bei der Eurotechnika AG in Samara.

Es war eine ausgesprochen feierliche Zeremonie, als der Gouverneur des Gebiets Samara, Nikolay Merkuschkin, am 15. Januar 2016 eine Zeitkapsel in den Grundstein für eine neue Fertigungshalle bei der Eurotechnika AG in Samara einmauerte. Auch der stellvertretende Regierungschef des Gebiets Samara, der Industrie- und Technologieminister Sergey Bezrukov, nahm an der Zeremonie teil.

Die Entscheidung für den Bau der neuen Halle war im Jahr 2015 durch die Geschäftsleitung der Amazonen-Werke getroffen worden. Ermöglicht wurde das Vorhaben in erster Linie auf Grund der fortlaufenden Unterstützung durch den Gouverneur Nikolay Merkuschkin, durch die finanzielle Förderung im Rahmen des Staatsprogramms „Entwicklung und Wettbewerbserhöhung der Industrie des Gebiets Samara bis zum Jahr 2020“ sowie durch staatliche Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für den Landmaschinenbau.

Amazone plant nun, rund 200 Mio. Rubel in die Fertigungserweiterung und -vertiefung bei der Eurotechnika AG zu investieren. Diese Investitionen sind Teil des Entwicklungsplans für den Ausbau der Fertigung bei der Eurotechnika AG. Diesen Plan verfolgen die Amazonen-Werke seit 2005, als das Unternehmen die Aktienmehrheit bei der Eurotechnika AG erworben konnte.

Zu den Modernisierungsmaßnahmen der Eurotechnika-Fertigungskapazitäten im Laufe des Jahres 2016 zählt unter anderem der Bau einer Hochleistungs-Lackierungsanlage, mit der 60 000 m2 Oberfläche/Jahr zusätzlich lackiert werden können. Dabei wird ein neues Pulverlackverfahren zum Einsatz kommen, das die Beschichtungsqualität der behandelten Landmaschinen deutlich verbessert. Die Korrosionsbeständigkeit der neuen Lackbeschichtung beträgt 720 Stunden im Salznebel, was deutlich über dem branchenüblichen Standard liegt. Mit der neuen Anlage wird es zukünftig außerdem möglich sein, auch Landmaschinen mit großen Behältern und großen Arbeitsbreiten bis 15 m zu lackieren.

Als weitere Maßnahme wird die Plasmaschneidanlage durch eine Maschine mit höherer Leistung und Genauigkeit ersetzt. Mit der neuen Maschine lassen sich Metallbleche und -profile noch exakter bearbeiten. Darüber hinaus wird das Komponenten- und Ersatzteillager komplett modernisiert. Die Lagerfläche wird um 30 % erweitert und mit einem neuen Logistiksystem ausgestattet, so dass die Lagerkapazität für Komponenten um das Dreifache und die für Ersatzteile um 40% erhöht werden können.

Nach der feierlichen Zeremonie besichtigte Nikolay Merkuschkin den Eurotechnika-Betrieb. Dabei begrüßte er alle Mitarbeiter und wünschte dem Unternehmen weiterhin Wachstum und Erfolg.

Press review 2016

31 Dec 2016

Amazone: Slight turnover increase in 2016

For the 2016 financial year, the Amazone Group achieved a turnover of 406 million Euros. In comparison with the previous year, at 402 million Euros, it means that the turnover was thus slightly higher. At the same time, this result is above average against the other German agricultural machinery manufacturers, which, according to the VDMA, registered in 2016 a drop in turnover of 2 %.

30 Dec 2016

DLG Image Barometer 2016: Again top rating for Amazone

In the DLG Image Barometer 2016 Amazonen-Werke again came out superbly well. With 50 points the company gained the 4th place against all agricultural machinery manufacturers represented in Germany. So, Amazone again is the best among the implement manufacturers of the Image Barometer. The first three positions were filled by the companies Fendt (60 points) and Claas and John Deere with 57 and 53 Points.

29 Nov 2016

Amazone introduces the new Cayros mounted reversible ploughs

With the takeover of the plough factory from Vogel & Noot, Amazone has further expanded its range of ploughs. The new Cayros mounted reversible ploughs, in their green-orange colour, are now being shown for the first time at various international exhibitions.

10 Oct 2016

DynamicSpread dynamic part-width Section Control for Amazone fertiliser spreaders

As standard, the ZA-TS and ZG-TS ISOBUS fertiliser spreaders from Amazone feature a multiple part-width Section Control. This function can be actuated either manually or automatically via the Section Control software and, up until now, the maximum number of part-width sections has been 16 which are, when operated in combination with the AMAZONE GPS-Switch Section Control software, controlled automatically.

5 Oct 2016

Christian Dreyer elected as new Chairman of the VDMA Agricultural Machinery Association

Frankfurt, October 12, 2016 - Christian Dreyer is new Chairman of the industry association VDMA Agricultural Machinery. The manufacturers of agricultural machinery and tractors organized in the VDMA unanimously elected the 52-year old CEO of Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG as the successor of Dr. Hermann Garbers, who retired after two successful terms of office.
Garbers provided landmark Impulses

26 Sep 2016

Amazone purchases Vogel & Noot plough production

The Amazone Group has purchased the plough production facility of the company Vogel & Noot based in Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary. As part of a bidding consortium, a total of three investors were awarded major parts of the Vogel & Noot Group on September 19th 2016.

1 Sep 2016

Agritechnica: Three silver medals for Amazone

Amazone has been rewarded once again for its important innovations. So, ahead of the world’s most important and biggest agriculture machinery trade fair, the Innovations Commission has awarded Amazonen-Werke three silver medals.

1 Aug 2016

Hydraulically-actuated offset slide for Catros compact disc harrows

As standard the Catros/Catros+ 3001 and 3501 compact disc harrows are equipped with a slide mechanism to adjust the offset of the disc rows. This slide is utilised, on the one hand, to adjust the optimum offset between the first and the second disc row and, on the other hand with these non-folding models, it is also used to change between the transport and work positions.

11 Jul 2016

New: Disc roller added to roller options on passive soil tillage equipment

Amazone now has expanded its following roller range for passive soil tillage equipment with the new Disc roller. The new roller has been designed in par-ticular for operation on heavy, moist soils.

1 Jul 2016

Cirrus 6003-2 now with the option of TwinTeC+double disc coulters

Amazone has introduced a new TwinTeC+ double disc coulter for its Cirrus 6003-2 and 6003-2C 6-m-large area sowing combinations. This makes the Cirrus the first seed drill from Amazone which, depending on choice and the individual farm situation, can be equipped with either the renowned RoTeC single disc coulter or with the new TwinTeC+ double disc coulter system.

23 May 2016

increased flexibility with the XTender rear tank

With the new XTender, AMAZONE introduces a flexible tank system for use with its passive soil tillage range. The rear tank offers the possibility to simul-taneously apply fertiliser and/or seed in combination with the soil tillage im-plement.

16 Apr 2016

2015: Amazone - strong despite the weak market situation

In the 2015 financial year the Amazone Group achieved a turnover of 402 million € (excluding trading turnover) meaning that Amazone has performed well despite of the declining markets. In comparison with the previous year, the 2015 result, with a decrease of 3.5 %, exceeds the original expectations.

30 Mar 2016

UF mounted sprayer: now also in a 30 m boom width

As a further expansion to the UF mounted sprayer range, Amazone now also offers the Super-S2 boom in a 30 m boom width. In spite of its large working width, the transport width remains at only 2.4 m and the transport height just 3.05 m.

24 Feb 2016

AmaSelect: 50 cm part-width sections help reduce chemical usage in crop protection

On offer now from Amazone is the electric AmaSelect individual nozzle control with 50 cm part-width sections and which is available for the UX trailed sprayer and the Pantera self-propelled sprayer. In combination with the automatic GPS-Switch headland and part-width SectionControl, which, on its own, enables spray agent savings of approximately 5 %, any overlapping during application can be still further reduced with the aid of the AmaSelect individual nozzle control.

25 Jan 2016

DistanceControl plus: Automatic boom guidance with 4 sensors

With the aid of the automatic DistanceControl boom guidance system from Amazone, the sprayer boom follows the crop at the precise height so that the optimum distance between nozzle and the target surface is optimally main-tained.

1 Jan 2016

Amazone Group donates 35,000 Euros towards the World Hunger Aid ('Welthungerhilfe') Project.

As a corporate partner, Amazonen-Werke is supporting the 'Welthungerhilfe' Project "Sustainable integrated agriculture in India". Initially, with a donation of 10,000 Euros handed over to the charity in the middle of 2014 and then this additional cheque, of 35,000 Euros, which was handed over in Hasbergen-Gaste on 18th December, 2015 by the Amazone general manager Christian Dreyer, his wife Bettina Dreyer, and the personnel manager René Hüggelmeyer to Vera Schernus...