26 Jun 2017

Großer Feldtag Amatechnica in Russland

Am 20. und 21. Juni 2017 fand erstmals ein russischer Feldtag Amatechnica in Samara statt. Es war die erste Großveranstaltung dieser Art, die Amazone in Russland durchgeführt hat.

Laut Dr. Viktor Buxmann, Amazone-Exportleiter für Russland, war die Entscheidung für diese Veranstaltung sehr gut gewählt, denn Russland zählt zu den wichtigsten Absatzmärkten für die Amazonen-Werke: "Amazone-Maschinen sind unter russischen Landwirten gut bekannt und werden stark nachgefragt. Mit dem Feldtag Amatechnica wollen wir dem großen Interesse der Landwirte für unsere Technik gerecht werden." Bisher hatte Amazone in Deutschland jährlich wiederkehrende Pflanzenbautage durchgeführt, auf denen sich zahlreiche russische Delegationen mit der Amazone-Technik bekannt machen konnten.

"In Deutschland haben wir vieles zu zeigen, worauf wir mit Recht stolz sind", so Dr. Buxmann, "aber es gibt auch gute Gründe, um auf Amazone in Russland stolz zu sein, vor allem auf das moderne Eurotechnika-Werk. Hier haben wir eine sehr effektive Produktion mit hohen Qualitätsstandards aufgebaut, um Amazone-Maschinen für den russischen Markt zu produzieren."

Insgesamt erwies sich der erste Feldtag Amatechnica in Russland als so großer Erfolg, dass die Veranstaltung zukünftig regelmäßig in Samara wiederholt werden soll. So kamen am ersten Tag rund 500 Fachleute aus 45 verschiedenen Regionen, am zweiten Tag rund 650, um an der Veranstaltung auf dem Gelände der Eurotechnika AG teilzunehmen.

Bei einer Werksbesichtigung konnten die Besucher die verschiedenen Montagelinien sowie das moderne Ersatzteil- und Bauteillager der Eurotechnika AG kennenlernen. Besonders groß war das Interesse für die jüngste, erst im Januar 2017 eröffnete Produktionshalle, in der die Scheibeneggen Catros, die Hochleistungssämaschinen Citan und Condor sowie der russische Bestseller, die Sämaschine Primera DMC, montiert werden. Neben der Werksbesichtigung umfasste das Programm eine wissenschaftlich-praktische Konferenz über intelligente Pflanzenbauverfahren sowie Workshops mit den Eurotechnika-Fachleuten. Besonders groß war das Besucherinteresse vor allem aber für die Feldvorführungen, bei denen die neuesten Amazone-Maschinen im praktischen Einsatz vorgestellt wurden.

Über das rege Interesse der Besucher freute sich auch Eurotechnika-Generaldirektor Vadim Smirnov. Während einer Ansprache führte er aus, dass die Eurotechnika AG heute zu fünf größten Landtechnikherstellern in Russland zählt: "Wir waren einer der ersten Hersteller in Russland, der den Weg der lokalen Produktion eingeschlagen und damit die richtige Wahl getroffen hat." Dank der großen Nachfrage nach moderner Hochleistungstechnik konnte die Eurotechnika ihre Produktion stark ausweiten. Auf diese Weise hat das Produktionsvolumen allein in den letzten zwei Jahren um 250 % zugelegt.

Press review 2017

4 Dec 2017

Amazone further ahead in the DLG Image Barometer

In the recently published image assessment of companies from the agricultural sector, the DLG 2017 Image Barometer, Amazone again performed excellently. With 49 points, the company is again in 4th place in the agricultural machinery sector and thus emerges as best amongst the assessment of the other medium-sized implement manufacturers. The first three places are taken by the companies: Fendt (58 points), Claas (56 points) and John Deere (52 points).

1 Dec 2017

Max-Eyth-Medallion for Dr.-Ing. Rainer Resch

In November, 2017, on the occasion of the 75th international Land.Technik AgEng conference in Hanover, Dr. Eng. Rainer Resch, from Amazonen-Werke, enjoyed a very special award. The chairman of the VDI faculty, Max-Eyth Society for Agricultural Engineering (VDI-MEG), Professor Peter Pickel, awarded Dr. Resch with the Max-Eyth commemorative medal from the VDI along with a certificate of honour.

29 Nov 2017

Front mounted fertiliser spreader: the precise distribution of two different fertilisers in one pass

The ability to operate a ZA-V, or ZA-TS, fertiliser spreader mounted up front is a very interesting option, particularly for those users who are looking to spread two different types of fertiliser in one pass. As oppose to spreading blended fertilisers through just one fertiliser spreader, this option offers the opportunity to set up each spreader optimally to the properties of the relevant fertiliser and thus to achieve the perfect lateral distribution for both...

20 Nov 2017

Thank you for visiting Amazone!

Around 450,000 specialised visitors, more than 100,000 of them from abroad, visited the Agritechnica trade show in Hanover from 12th to 18th November, 2017. The influx of visitors on the 1,700 m² Amazone Stand in Hall 9 was bigger than ever before. For taking the time to come to see us and for having so many interesting discussions, the whole Amazone team says thank you to all our customers, interested people and sales partners.

27 Oct 2017

Three Agritechnica silver medals for Amazone

In the run-up to the up-coming Agritechnica 2017, Amazone can announce its first success with the neutral expert committee, appointed by the German Agricultural Society (DLG), rewarding three of the Amazone innovations with their prestigious Silver medal awards.

7 Sep 2017

Groundbreaking ceremony for the new Amazone factory in Bramsche

In the Schleptrup industrial area near Bramsche, Amazonen-Werke has started on the build of its new production facility. The official initiation was given on August 31st, 2017 with a symbolic first ground-breaking ceremony. Even though the rain poured down, it did not spoil the good mood. Amongst the guests present was the County commissioner of Osnabrück district, Dr. Michael Lübbersmann as well as Heiner Pahlmann, Mayor of the town of Bramsche.

10 Aug 2017

Pantera goes hill climbing

With its stepless hydrostatic drive, the Pantera self-propelled crop protection sprayer from Amazone is well-proven in its ability to cope in difficult operating conditions. It features excellent pulling power and, with its climbing ability of up to 27 %, it fully meets the demands usually found in practice.

31 Jul 2017

Amazone introduces the new XTender-T trailed hopper

New from Amazone is the XTender-T, a flexible-application, trailed distribution hopper running on a single axle. The XTender-T has been developed for farms looking to simultaneously apply fertiliser and/or seed in combination with the soil tillage operation via a cultivator or compact disc harrow. So, the XTender-T, for instance, can be utilised for the application of a compensation fertiliser to counteract Nitrogen removal by the straw rotting process or for sowing...

3 Jul 2017

Cataya Super seed drill combination, now also with RoTeC Control coulters

Last year, Amazone introduced to the market the new conventional Cataya Super seed drill combination with TwinTeC double disc coulters. Now, the Cataya is also available with RoTeC Control single disc coulters, which – like the TwinTeC version – can be delivered with row spacings of either 12.5 cm or 15 cm. With this choice between the RoTeC and the TwinTec coulters, Amazone offers the appropriate coulter system for any kind of farming application.

30 Jun 2017

With 12 m working width on demonstration tour in North America

At these demo days quite a few farmers in North American rub their eyes in surprise when they first meet Kathrin Schmidt from Germany. Because currently the 26 year old employee of Amazone Product Marketing is on tour behind the wheel of a Xerion 5000 in the land of boundless opportunities. And linked to the rear of her tractor: an Amazone Catros+ 12003-2TS.

6 Apr 2017

C-Mix-Clip quick change system for Cenius cultivators

AMAZONE now offers, in addition to the already well-proven C-Mix shares, the new C-Mix-Clip quick change system for the Cenius mulch cultivator series to enable an even more comfortable share change. In this way, the simple, very quick and, above all, time saving change over from, for instance, a deep loosening with narrow shares to stubble work with goose foot shares is possible without any problem. Thus the operating costs can be kept to a level as low as possible.

6 Apr 2017

Pantera 4502 according to new emission standard 4

The heart of the Amazone Pantera 4502 self propelled machine is the proven 6-cylinder Deutz engine with a power rating of 160 kW/218 HP. The high-torque in-line engine with turbocharger and intercooling for highest performance requirements, provides – thanks to its intelligent engine management in ECO mode – minimal fuel consumption. If, however, more power is required, for instance when working on steep slopes, then the power mode is available to the driver that enables...