Beileger QuickLink Seite 7_2
Rollen- und Schardruck unabhängig einstellbar.

The Roller harrow also presses down the soil above the seed furrow, thus creating optimal germination conditions. 

This is recommended especially for light, dry soils when sowing spring crops or rape.

£75/row for 75 years of AMAZONE drills

To celebrate our 75th anniversary of selling seed drills, Amazone are offering a £75 per row saving across the complete drill range.

Eligibility for the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund 2024 (FETF)

Amazone has a range of direct drills and hoes eligible under the new FETF government grant scheme. These include our Cayena, Primera DMC, Condor and Precea drills as well as our Schmotzer Venterra and Select hoes.