Trial fields in Leipzig

In order to enable you to achieve optimum yields AMAZONE offers the comprehensive advise for the different systems on the basis of longstanding soil tillage and sowing tests that AMAZONE carries out in co-operation with  science at different sites.

The choice of  trial fields represents the different farming possibilities and structures, keeping in mind the different climatic conditions and crop rotations. We will keep you informed of the most important results on the following pages.

All up dated test results are available in the pdf files at the relevant test sites.

Trials centre in Wambergen

Hof Meyer zu Wambergen was acquired by the Amazone Group in 2018 and, amongst other things, is now used to host the company‘s customer events. The Controlled Row Farming (CRF) project has been implemented here in conjunction with Agravis Raiffeisen and our sister company Schmotzer Hacktechnik since 2020. Trials of new agricultural practices for crops in fixed row spacings are carried out in this respect.

Precea 6000-2FCC_Valtra_d0_dt_DJI_20240412134202_0379_D (HD)

Sugar beet trials with Agrii (England)

In cooperation with Agrii and Andrew Ward from @wardyswaffle, we undertook the drilling of several sugar beet trials plots with a Precea 6000-2FCC.


Tickhill (England)

The trial site at Tickhill (South Yorkshire) is situated on a limestone ridge. The crop rotation with winter cereals and winter oilseed rape is typical of the region. High yields are usual and based on a 750mm yearly rainfall.

Amazone trials centre in Wambergen

Hof Meyer zu Wambergen was acquired by the Amazone Group in 2018 and, amongst other things, is now used to host the company‘s customer events. The Controlled Row Farming (CRF) project has been implemented since 2020 in conjunction with Agravis Raiffeisen and our sister company Schmotzer Hacktechnik. Trials of new agricultural practices for crops in fixed row spacings are carried out here.


The site Leipzig is representative for arable farming on large field structures. The climate is continentally influenced and characterized by reduced rain and pre-summer drought. Water and climate are the yield limiting factors.


The site Huntlosen in Lower Saxony is representative for arable farming in processing regions on light soils with smaller sized field structures.

Sroda (Polen)

Seit 2012 werden auch in Polen, in direkter Nachbarschaft zum Importeur Tech-Kom, südöstlich von Posen, Versuche durchgeführt.


The Hellvoetsluis trial site  is characterised by extreme soil and climatic conditions. The clay content of the soil, a young, heavy lime marsh, varies between 30 and 60 %; the pH value is above “7” and the humus content about 5 %.


The site Westerkappeln near Osnabrück is representative for arable farming in processing regions on lighte soils with smaller field structures. 


The region with predominantly sandy sites is characterised by mixed farming with animal husbandry which is reflected in the field sizes and the crop rotation.


The soil conditions of the Southern German site are characterised by a shallow sandy loam of medium soil quality above gravel. The soil has a good draining effect and therefore is appropriate for the conservation soil tillage. Therefore, the aim is, above all, to answer the question as to the optimum working depth.


The Lednewo site lies approx. 50 km North of Vladimir and approx. 250 km east of the capital Moscow, on the axis Moscow – Kazan.

Auneau (Frankreich)

Auneau is located near Chartres at the south-west side of the Paris basin, one of the most important arable farming regions in France. With its clay content of more than 10 % the site Auneau is very well suited for conservation soil tillage.