Getting the best from your EasyCheck mats

Checking the lateral distribution of the spread pattern of your AMAZONE fertiliser spreader gives you that peace of mind before you go out spreading, and that doesn’t matter if you are using materials that are in the setting chart or not. Whether you acquired the purple mats as part of this years’ 'out of season' promotion, or if you have them still in a box in the workshop unused from years gone by, then now is the time to dust them off and get out in the field with them. Accurate spreading starts with EasyCheck.

The EasyCheck mobile test kit is quick and simple to use. Just download the EasyCheck App at your App store and then load up all the basic information about your spreader so that you have a profile stored ready. Once in the field, then the trays are laid out in four rows of four mats – 4 in the tramline, 4 in the middle between the tramline and then 2 more rows of 4 equal-spaced over that half tramline width. The App tells you what you need to be doing.

Drive up and back over those two tramlines to cover the trays – you may even need to take in the next tramline over if you are spreading material that has more than double overlap to ensure that the spread pattern is mirrored as it would be during normal spreading. Then fire up the App, take a picture of the fertiliser in the hopper for reference and then start photographing the trays. After all 16 pictures are completed, the App will then recommend an appropriate change to the spreader settings if necessary. The App also stores and records the time and date the test was carried out for future reference.

Still not sure? Then click to watch the EasyCheck tutorial and learn all about it.