New compact disc harrows for covering large areas and incorporating higher amounts of organic matter 

The AMAZONE CatrosXL 3003 to 4003 compact disc harrows presented at the last Agritechnica, in working widths of 3 m, 3.5 m and 4 m, with 610 mm discs and a maximum working depth of 16 cm, have been very well received in practice. The AMAZONE Group continues to write the success story of the CatrosXL compact disc harrow at Agritechnica 2019 and is now completing its portfolio by introducing machines in working widths from 4 to 8 m. The CatrosXL 4003-2, 5003-2 and 6003-2 will therefore be available as a folding, three-point linkage mounted model in working widths of 4, 5 and 6 m. Optionally, these models can also be equipped with a drawbar and bogey chassis as the trailed TS variant and can therefore also be used by smaller tractors. In addition, the CatrosXL, with TX centre running gear as the 7003-2TX and 8003-2TX model, is available in working widths of 7 and 8 m.

Universal attachmentFor the CatrosXL 4003-2 to 6003-2 3-point linkage mounted models, attachment possibilities of 3N, 3 and 4N are avail-able. The CatrosXL 4003-2TS to 6003-2TS trailed models are equipped with the bogey chassis and drawbar can be pulled with a Category 3 – 5 lower link cross shaft or, alternatively, a K80 ball coupling or various drawbar eyes, depending on the tractor. These attachment options for the trailed TS variant are also available for the two CatrosXL 7003-2TX and CatrosXL 8003-2TX models. For a high degree of customer flexibility with varying tractors, the different attachment options can be quickly replaced via the connecting flange if required. When working with the various different categories of lower link attachment, the drawbar cross shaft remains on the machine as only the pins need to be exchanged.

Perfect working quality even in areas containing a lot of organic matterDue to the large 610 mm discs and the greater distances between the first and second row of discs and between the second row of discs and the roller, the CatrosXL excels, above all, by its high level of passage. Whether in maize stubble or when working in catch crops: The CatrosXL models currently being introduced, with a working width of up to 8 m, combined with high forward speeds of up to 18 km/h, stand for maximum output with perfect working quality and the minimum of fuel consumption. In addition to the coarse-serrated 610 mm discs for dry and heavy ground, customers can also choose the fine-serrated 610 mm option. This ensures a full-surface cut and a maximum crumbling effect, e.g. during seedbed preparation, even in cases of extremely shallow working depths.

The discs, which are individually suspended on sprung rubber mountings, ensure perfect soil contour following. The rubber elements have a special profile, with a high release force, so that the large discs maintain their working depth even under the toughest of conditions. The specially moulded, cast disc arm on the CatrosXL has been redesigned to meet the increased demands and guides the disc at a consistent depth through the soil under all conditions.

In order to further improve the contour following on the larger working widths with the Catros 7003-2TX and Catros 8003-2TX, these machines can be optionally equipped with the ContourFrame, which is uniquely placed in the market. The two wings of the disc harrow unit are hydraulically preloaded and can therefore adapt upwards and downwards to any unevenness in the ground.

With the proven disc spacing of 25 cm within a row of discs, even large amount of crop residues can pass through the machine without any problems. The overlap spacing of 12.5 cm also ensures the complete movement of the entire soil surface. The special angle of attack of the front row of discs at 17° and the rear row of discs at 14° to the direction of travel ensure consistent, straight running behind the tractor, as well as an ideal mixing of harvest residues with the lowest tractive power requirement. In addition, this ensures a reliable soil penetration even under the toughest of conditions. The disc bearings, with maintenance-free face seal and lifetime lubrication, are well-known across the complete Catros product range and have proven themselves a million times over. They are larger in diameter to meet the increasing demands of covering bigger areas than in the case of the 100 mm smaller diameter discs on the Catros+ models.

Working depth adjustmentThe working depth adjustment of the disc element is carried out by rotating the disc arms around the rectangular tube carrier. A connection between the two rows of discs in the machine ensures that both rows always work at the same depth. By using this type of adjustment, the entire machine always stays parallel to the ground, whereby both rows of discs always work at the same depth even in instances where the working depth is changed and thus prevents the machine from being slanted as a result of a change in working depth. In addition, when the working depth increases, the clearance between the disc element and the roller increases so that, even at larger working depths and the movement of more soil, sufficient clearance is available in front of the roller so that the earth in front of the roller can settle again.

Adjustment of the working depth is infinitely variable and can be carried out mechanically using adjustable spindles on the machine or hydraulically from the cab during operation for maximum comfort. All pivot points on the disc element are maintenance-free. The height of the side discs of the machines can be adjusted separately, which ensures a level working profile even on the match up between bouts.

Running gear for transport – TS or TXThe folding CatrosXL 4003-2, 5003-2 and 6003-2 models in working widths of 4 m, 5 m and 6 m can be carried on the 3-point linkage or specified in the trailed TS variant with bogey chassis and drawbar. The CatrosXL-2TS is characterised by a high degree of smoothness in work because the running gear can be completely swivelled up over the frame. In addition, the weight of the running gear ensures the uniform penetration of the discs into the soil even under the toughest of conditions. As standard, models with TS running gear have an anti-vibration function, which can be activated under certain conditions, to ensure the smooth running of CatrosXL-2TS. When manoeuvring, the machine can be turned on the roller in order to achieve quick headland turn-round times and high work rates.

The 7 and 8 m wide CatrosXL 7003-2TX and CatrosXL 8003-2TX models have an integrated centre running gear. Thanks to the optimum weight distribution, the machines can be transported safely on the road. At the same time, the position of the running gear offers maximum driving comfort due to the high manoeuvrability on the headland. The running gear can be equipped with over-dimensioned 700 mm tyres so that the ground pressure during manoeuvring is minimised and the self-driving effect of the wheels is guaranteed, even in very sandy or wet locations.

Optimum reconsolidation for all soils
11 different rollers are available for the new CatrosXL, which means that AMAZONE can offer the ideal roller, both for reconsolidation and for depth control of the machine, depending on the type of soil and soil conditions. For light land locations, for example, a U-profile roller or double-U profile roller is available. On medium to variable soils, the wedge ring roller or wedge ring roller with matrix tyre profile is the ideal solution since water is kept in the soil due to the strip-wise reconsolidation, but water can still seep into the loose strips during high rainfall and the risk of erosion or soil capping is minimised. AMAZONE offers a solution for heavy ground and clay soils with the disc roller or double disc roller. These combine a high crumbling effect, good self-driving effect and load-bearing capacity with high insensitivity to stones. Particularly for a secondary stubble cultivation or for seedbed preparation, trailing tine harrows are also available for many rollers.

Wide selection of additional pre-working tool
Depending on whether the machine has a bogey chassis or centre running gear, various pre-working tools are available for the CatrosXL. From choice, with Catros 4003-2TS to 6003-2TS, a straw harrow, knife roller, Crushboard or support wheels can be mounted in front of the disc element. With the knife roller, extreme quantities of standing harvest residues, such as maize or sunflower stubbles, can be crushed before being mixed in with subsequent disc element. The decomposition process is accelerated and field hygiene is significantly improved. The height adjustment of the crushboard and straw harrow can be carried out mechanically or comfortably from the tractor seat using a hydraulic spool valve. Depending on whether the organic matter needs to be crushed, the knife roller is hydraulically swung in or out of work from the cab.

AMAZONE also provides a knife roller in front of the disc element for the CatrosXL 7003-2TX and CatrosXL 8003-2TX models. In addition, the Crushboard can be mounted in front of the disc element and/or between the second row of discs and the roller. Equipped with the optional 610 mm diameter, fine-serrated discs, the machine is ideal for seedbed preparation.

Other optional extras include a robust toolbox, an area meter or the new universally-mounted AMAZONE GreenDrill 501 catch crop seeder box. This can be mounted on all trailed CatrosXL units and enables stubble cultivation and catch crop seeding to be carried out in a single pass. If tank capacities of more than 500 l are required for larger areas, all trailed CatrosXL models can be equipped with a conveyor section for seeds which places the seed in front of the roller. In combination with the XTender rear tank or the FTender front tank, high outputs can then be achieved with minimum downtime.

Anbauscheibenegge Catros XL

Die Kompaktscheibenegge CatrosXL eignet sich aufgrund der offenen Rahmenbauweise und dem großen Durchgang optimal für Betriebe mit viel Organik. Durch die großen 610 mm fein oder grob gezackten Scheiben stellen Arbeitstiefen bis zu 16 cm kein Problem dar. Mit Arbeitsbreiten von 3 m bis 4 m und Arbeitsgeschwindigkeiten von 12 bis 18 km/h lassen sich hohe Flächenleistungen mit sehr gutem Arbeitsergebnis realisieren.

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Anbauscheibenegge Catros XL

Durch zunehmende Wetterextreme und stärkere Reglementierung des Einsatzes von Pflanzenschutzmitteln werden die Rahmenbedingungen für eine gute Bestandesführung im Pflanzenbau stetig geändert. Damit die Kulturen optimale Start- und Wachstumsbedingungen in der Jugendentwicklung haben, wird eine sehr gute Feldhygiene weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. Deshalb präsentiert AMAZONE zur Agritechnica 2019 mit dem Strohstriegel und der Messerwalze neue Vorwerkzeuge für die AMAZONE Kompaktscheibeneggen Catros 03, Catros+ 03 und CatrosXL 03. Diese Sonderausstattungen dienen der Zerkleinerung und besseren Verteilung von Ernteresten und somit dem Beschleunigen des Rotteprozesses. Der Krankheitsdruck durch biotische Schadfaktoren für die Folgekultur und der Bedarf an Pflanzenschutzmitteln können dadurch stark reduziert werden. Zusammen mit den schon bekannten Vorwerkzeugen Crushboard und Spurlockerer stehen den Kunden jetzt, abhängig von der vorhandenen Maschine, unterschiedliche Sonderausstattungen zur Verfügung, um die Catros sowohl für die Saatbettbereitung als auch für die Zerkleinerung und Verteilung von Organik zu optimieren.

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Press review 2019

19 Nov 2019

The 250,000th Amazone drill sold

The origin of the seed drill’s history stretches back to 1947, when Dipl. Eng. Heinrich Dreyer worked together with Mr Kademann to develop the first D1 seed drill that had a working width of 2 m and which was equipped with the innovative Elite seed wheel for and easy switch between fine and normal seeds. This seed drill revolutionised the drilling of catch crops because, unlike other seed drills of that time, the D1 didn’t need the seed wheels to be constantly changed.

24 Oct 2019

Three Agritechnica silver medals for Amazone

The first successes for Amazone on the run-up to Agritechnica 2019. The neutral panels of experts appointed by the DLG (German Agricultural Association) has awarded silver medals to three of Amazone’s innovations.

5 Oct 2019

Amazone RoTeC coulters – in use more than 1.5 million over

An Amazone innovation enjoys a very special anniversary with 1.5 million RoTeC single disc coulters now in use. And, at the standard row spacings of between 12.5 cm and 16.6 cm, this would correspond to a total working width of over 200 kilometres! The RoTeC coulter shows its strengths particularly under difficult mulch sowing conditions – when, for example, dealing with large quantities of crop residues and on damp, heavy and sticky soils.
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28 Aug 2019

Cirrus with Minimum TillDisc

Tillage-Live 2019 at Deenethorpe, Corby next week will see the public unveiling of the 6 metre Cirrus 6003-2C Minimum TillDisc with its new wavy disc element in front of the Matrix tyre roller. This unit takes the place of the normal twin-row of cultivation discs and, with a row spacing of 16.6 cm, the straight running 460 mm boron steel corrugated discs are designed to cut through any crop residues, cover crops or soil surface and run directly in front of the sowing...

16 Jul 2019

Scoop purchase of Groundkeeper GHD 1800

The Groundkeeper GHD offers all the convenience of a trailed mower / collector – so less horsepower required, increased manoeuvrability and yet with a larger size hopper capacity; around 300 litres more in relation to a linkage-mounted machine and so less emptying time.

17 Jun 2019

Save £250/furrow on Cayros ploughs - an opportunity not to be missed

Cayros ploughs – Buy Now and Save!
The Cayros is the perfect match for any farm
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30 May 2019

The new CombiDisc 3000 lines up at the Cereals Event

For use in combination with either the gravity Cataya or the pneumatic Centaya harrow-mounted seed drills, Amazone now offers the new CombiDisc mounted compact disc harrow in a 3 m working width.

Equipped with 24 serrated discs, each featuring a diameter of 410 mm, the CombiDisc is ideally suited for seedbed preparation at depths from 3 to 8 cm.

29 May 2019

Cirrus 03-2CC Double-Shoot seeding combination to make its debut at Cereals

Cereals 2019 sees further expansion of the Cirrus trailed seeder range. Designated the Cirrus 03-2CC Double-Shoot, these hydraulic folding 4 & 6 metre trailed drills now feature a second distribution head and coulter system that can be used for either sowing a second seed type or applying fertiliser directly into the seedbed without coming into direct seed contact.

23 Apr 2019

Pantera cleans up its act

The new Pantera 4503 self-propelled brings together Comfort-Pack 1 and an innovative new boom guidance system.
At the heart of the Pantera 4503 is the proven 6-cylinder Deutz engine which offer a maximum engine power of 218 HP. The in-line, turbo-charged and charge-air cooled engine ensures, thanks to its intelligent ECO mode engine management, the minimum amount of fuel used yet maintains that overall optimum performance.

15 Mar 2019


This Spring sees the opening of AMAZONE’s new training, education and research centre here at Orchard Farm, Auckley, Doncaster, DN9 3NW. Orchard Farm represents a multi-million £ investment in British farming by the Dreyer family, who own the AMAZONE Group, with the new Centre being set in 12 ha of arable cropping that includes demonstration areas and trial plots. And for the launch of this brand new facility, you are cordially invited to attend our AMATECHNICA 2019...

5 Mar 2019

AMAZONE Group turnover climbs to record level

Amazone turnover increases in 2018 to record level
Amazone turnover increases significantly despite the drought
For the 2018 financial year, the turnover of the Amazone Group of Companies further increased despite the drought that affected some countries in the second half of the year. The turnover increased to a record level of 481 Million Euros.

14 Feb 2019

Crushboard or eradicators, the choice is yours

Front mounted frame with Crushboard or tractor wheel mark eradicators for Catros Special or CatrosXL

For the Catros Special and CatrosXL compact disc harrows in working widths of 3 m, 3.50 m and 4.00 m, AMAZONE now optionally offers a front mounted frame with Crushboard. This option makes these compact disc harrows ideally suited to seedbed preparation as the Crushboard achieves a strong crumbling and levelling effect.

1 Jan 2019

Get a ZA-M ecoSPECIAL for just £4,950

Irrespective of the amount of fertiliser being spread on a farm, it is an expensive commodity that needs to be accurately applied. The ZA-M range of spreaders has been at the forefront of fertiliser spreading on British farms for decades and the simple mix of gentle fertiliser handling with the SBS – Soft ballistic System – and the high quality components made from stainless steel and plastic make it both easy on the fertiliser and easy on the pocket.