
We employ more than 2,500 people worldwide at our nine production sites in Germany, France, Russia and Hungary. AMAZONE is represented by sales subsidiaries or agencies in the important markets of Great Britain, France, Ukraine, Hungary, Russia, China, Canada and Kazakhstan. We now have an export rate of 80 % as a result of our international activities and our dense global sales network.

Get an overview of our locations around the world. Do you have any questions about your global job opportunities? We will be pleased to inform you: [email protected]

Factory Hasbergen-Gaste

The Factory Hasbergen-Gaste near Osnabrück produces mounted spreaders.

Am Amazonenwerk 9-13
49205 Hasbergen-Gaste
Tel +49 (0)5405 501-0
Fax +49 (0)5405 501-147

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Factory AT Bramsche

In Bramsche (AMAZONE Technologie GmbH & Co. KG), the complete sprayer range, the UX trailed and UF mounted as well as the Pantera self-propelled sprayer are assembled, plus, along with the ZG-B and ZG-TS trailed fertiliser spreaders and the Primera large-area seed drills.

AMAZONE Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
In der Welle 1
49565 Bramsche
Tel +49 (0)5468 7788-2300
Fax +49 (0)5468 7788-2302

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Parts Center and Used Machinery Center Leeden

Located in Tecklenburg-Leeden (AMAZONEN Technologie GmbH & Co. KG) is the AMAZONE Global Parts Center and the Used Machinery Center

AMAZONE Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Natrup-Hagener-Straße 1
49545 Leeden
Tel +49 (0)5481 903-410

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Factory Hude

The factory in Hude near Oldenburg (near Bremen) is specialised on the production of implements for active soil tillage, sowing and precision sowing technology.

27798 Hude/Oldenburg
Tel +49 (0)4408 927-0
Fax +49 (0)4408 927-399

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Factory Hude-Altmoorhausen

The new centre for large area sowing technology is located in Hude-Altmoorhausen. The factory is conveniently situated at the A 28 right next to the highway exit Hatten/Altmoorhausen.

Am Amazonenwerk 1
27798 Hude

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BBG Leipzig production facility

The non-inverting soil tillage machines, such as disc harrows and cultivators, the hoeing technology and the UG trailed sprayer are produced at the Amazone subsidiary BBG Bodenbearbeitungsgeräte Leipzig GmbH & Co. KG.

BBG Bodenbearbeitungsgeräte Leipzig GmbH & Co. KG
Rippachtalstr. 10
04249 Leipzig
Tel +49 (0) 341 4274-600
Fax +49 (0) 341 4274-619

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Factory Hungary

The Teres and Cayros mounted reversible plough ranges, as well as the semi-mounted Tyrok reversible plough, are manufactured in the Mosonmagyaróvár plant. The town of Mosonmagyaróvár is located in north-western Hungary, not far from the Austrian border.

AMAZONE Technology Kft.
Úttörö u. 43
9200 Mosonmagyaróvár
Tel +36 96 566 485

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Factory Forbach

The factory in Forbach (France) near Saarbrücken produces municipal implements for the maintenance and care of lawns and parks and for garden and landscape maintenance, of sports fields, golf courses, and in addition spreaders for winter application and road construction.

AMAZONE S.A. Forbach
17, rue de la Verrerie
F-57602 Forbach
Tel +33 (0)387 846570
Fax +33 (0)387 846571

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