Significant savings on plant protection agents as well as minimal and needs-based usage
Quick, flexible and needs-based injection of additional plant protection agents
The DirectInject system has enabled AMAZONE to offer a system of direct plant protection agent injection for the first time. You can add or remove crop protection agents as and when required during application. The special feature of DirectInject compared to conventional systems is the fast response time of the injection process and its complete integration into the spray agent circuit and operation of the sprayer.
From a plant establishment perspective, it is often necessary to react to areas with a high-density of “problem weed” pockets with specific products and active ingredients just in patches or in individual fields. There are also restrictions relating to protection-sensitive fields and bodies of water which farming must consider when selecting the appropriate plant protection agents.
With DirectInject, you can respond individually to the needs of the crop and reduce the use of plant protection agents and the number of additional passes with the sprayer. This saves time, money and protects the environment.
The following practical advantages are provided:
- Flexible, fast and needs-based use of plant protection agents.
- Reduction in working time, machinery costs and the use of plant protection agents
- Optimum crops

Reduction in plant protection agent usage by up to 10 %*
* Savings are dependent on the field structure, working width, number of part-width sections, row width and weed density. Please ask your AMAZONE
sales partner or factory representative about the technical capabilities of the new AmaSwitch functions.
50 cm part-width section with AmaSwitch
Precise switching on the headland and in wedge shaped fields by combining GPS-Switch automatic part-width section control with AmaSwitch single nozzle control.

Significant savings on plant protection agents as well as minimal and needs-based usage
UX 01 trailed sprayer with DirectInject
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Quick, flexible and needs-based injection of additional plant protection agents

Significantly more even distribution of plant protection agents
AMAZONE UX 7601 Super trailed sprayer with 42 m working width
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ContourControl and SwingStop
ContourControl active boom guidance and SwingStop active vibration damping automatically ensure the best possible boom guidance at all times, even at low boom heights, high forward speeds, with undulating terrain or when starting off and braking.